Saturday, January 11, 2025

NNtG: Shadow Zone: Guess Who's Dating a Werewolf?

It's time for another journey into the Shadow Zone, a place that we still don't really understand, but I guess at this rate "zone that makes scary stuff" is the best descriptor. And we have werewolves this time, and romance, and dating. Look, the last couple Shadow Zone books I've covered have been a bit shaky, but with a title like this, this one had better be a home run, dude. It's time to Guess Who's Dating a Werewolf?

This is the perfect kind of goofy 90s cover. Our protagonists with some shocked and concerned faces as they look at the werewolf on the hill, though they might be looking to the right past him because the perspective is as goofy as the cover. It almost gives off the feeling of our titular werewolf trying to get their attention with his goofy pose, but they're just more interested in whatever's not on the cover. Shadow Zone's covers continue to win for me, and this might be my favorite that I've gotten to talk about. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Ten Worst Books I've Read in 2024

In terms of blogs for 2024, it was a mostly in the middle year for stuff. Not too many things annoyed me, most were very "meh". But there were some that absolutely drove me mad. From one of the worst scenes in any book I've read, to a trilogy of books that I have no clue what Stine was thinking to a book that lives up to the disgusting promises of its title, there was still some shit to traverse through in 2024, literally in the case of one book. It's time for ten books I read in 2024 that reached high mark in hellish awfulness. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Ten Best Books I've Read in 2024

2024 was intended to be one with more output, but it ultimately petered by the end. Due mainly in part to the Archive hack that took the site down for a month, but also a lack of energy that I had in the last few months. But we got a bunch covered this year and a bunch of books blogged. And of the book bunch blogged, there were some winners. Stuff that I really liked, and stuff that I felt was good enough to be considered for the top ten of stuff covered for 2024. Before 2025 sucks away my will to live, let's get one last look at the stuff that I actually enjoyed from last year.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Camp Crystal Lake: Jason's Curse

It's time to continue our journey into the Friday the 13th novels with another trip to Camp Crystal Lake. This one is a direct continuation of our last book, Mother's Day, which I really enjoyed. Will I enjoy this follow up, or much like Jason's mask, are some things best left buried? We'll see for ourselves with Jason's Curse.

Oh yeah, now we're talkin'! My issue with the previous cover was the lack of really any iconography that could be considered Friday the 13th. That is heavily amended here with our villain in the Jason Mask rising from out of Camp Crystal Lake's waters, all while an unsuspecting pair sit in a canoe. Great stuff. It also gives off very "Fear Street Cover" vibes as well, which I'm sure are intentional. Guessing the same artist for some of those covers did this because it reminds me a lot of the cover for Double Date in particular. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

NNtG: Deadtime Stories #11: Nightmare on Planet X

It's time to voyage once again into Deadtime Stories. And we have aliens this time. We've covered a lot of alien-themed kids horror stories, and quality has always been a mixed bag. Some classic works, and quite a few that miss the mark entirely. So how did the Cascones handle this idea? Is it a classic or is it just yet another space case? Let's find out about Nightmare on Planet X.

This is a solid cover. We get our alien design for the book and it's pretty freaky, specially the worm-like antennae and the reflective looking bug eyes. It does a good job in selling that this is indeed another planet and the beings who reside are just as creepy as the planet itself. Also free Planet X postcard inside! But unfortunately it's not in this copy I'm reading on Openlibrary so I can't show it to you! 

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Point by Numbers: The Snowman

It's time for the cold comforts of another Point Horror book. It is almost winter after all. And it just so happens that Stine gave us a book about snowmen... Yeah, I know he gave us a book about snowmen in Goosebumps, but I mean he at least offered a snowman-themed Point book back in 1994. And given it's Point and, more specifically, late-Stine Point, I'm not sure what to expect. Will this be solid cold gold, or an icy reception? Find out as we talk about The Snowman.

Very striking cover. And I don't mean that because the head of the snowman got struck off his body. Although, while it is trying to sell the concept of the killer of the story, there is a bit of a silliness to it. Feeling less like this is a book about a killer and more about someone who's a jerk and clotheslining snowmen. So maybe not a cover that works on the horror aspect as one would hope. Still solid. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

NNtG: Ghosts of Fear Street #33: Attack of the Vampire Worms

We're rapidly approaching the end of Ghosts of Fear Street. Like five at least. And as we approach the end, we're entering some of the books that have interested me the most. Case in point this book which is about vampire worms. We don't get enough vampire action in a lot of stuff (Goosebumps in particular) but kid-friendly Shadyside has at least delivered on the idea. Does this book suck, or is it worth biting down on? Let's find out with Attack of the Vampire Worms.

You know, I could make an easy joke about white worm-like creatures, but I'll take the high road. This is another Happy Boy Pat cover and I really like it. Probably one of the better CG covers from this era. And I think it's down to the vampire worms themselves. How they look like monster eels with their white and green fangs. They do feel like actual threats. I also get Monster Blood IV vibes, which normally isn't a good thing, but I've always maintained the cover was the best part of that book, so consider that a complement. Solid effort.