"Next book's got a maybe leprechaun. Hopefully I don't wait until March next year to get to it."
Well, crap. Timing has gotten me once again. Blame not having an actual blogging schedule and going all by the seat of my pants. And yes, technically I was wrong as the next book in the line is Santa Claus Doesn't Mop Floors, but, being me, I just up and forgot. I promise it won't take until Christmas to get to it, I swear. But seein' as it be St. Patrick's day, what a better way to spend an ol' St. Paddy's than another trip back into the world of Debbie Dadey's "Maybe but probably not a monster" book series? I mean, maybe a lot of other things would be better but dammit, this is what I have planned. So let's read a story about a maybe, but probably not leprechaun as we assume that Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball.